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August 21, 2023Roger That Podcast Ep 6: NCHV

This is Episode 6 of Roger That – A Podcast Presented by HVAF of Indiana
In this episode of Roger That, Lauren highlights National Coalition for Homeless Veterans. Lauren talks with NCHV CEO, Kathryn Monet, about the organization and how HVAF & NCHV partner together. Then, Lauren sits down with former NCHV Board Chair and HVAF Board Chair Emeritus Steve Benz.
Podcast questions? Topic ideas? E-mail Lauren: lvcarpenter@hvaf.org
NCHV’s website: https://nchv.org/
About NCHV CEO Kathryn Monet: https://nchv.org/staff/
NCHV Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nchv.org/
NCHV Twitter: https://twitter.com/NCHVorg
NCHV Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nchvorg/?hl=en
NCHV LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nchvorg/
PIT Count: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/hdx/pit-hic/
HVAF’s website: hvaf.org
Follow us on social media: @hvafofindiana
Make a financial, tax-deductible donation: https://www.hvafofindiana.org/donate/