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February 28, 2021HVAF named Best Place to Work in Indiana

HVAF – Helping Veterans And Families – was named one of the Best Places to Work in Indiana by Indiana Chamber of Commerce and Best Companies Group.
The annual statewide survey and awards program is designed to identify, recognize, and honor participating employers in Indiana with leading workplace cultures. The list is made up of 125 companies. HVAF fits into the small company category with 65 employees.
This was the first-time essential service agency HVAF participated in the program which was led by HVAF’s Vice President for Personnel – Sammy Mitchell.
“We pride ourselves in creating a positive employment experience and are grateful that we have been successful in doing so,” Mitchell said. “HVAF will continue our efforts to ensure and sustain a positive workplace and we are so thankful for each and every one of our dedicated employees.”
Last March, when COVID-19 hit, Air Force veteran Rashaun Robinson came to HVAF’s pantry as he desperately needed food during that time. Through most of the 2020 pandemic, he received pre-packaged bags of food and hygiene weekly from HVAF’s pantry. In December, when the pantry resumed client choice shopping with COVID safety measures in place, Rashaun began volunteering to help his fellow veterans. Now, in 2021, Rashaun is a full-time employee in HVAF’s maintenance department.
Receiving recognition as a Best Place to Work in Indiana makes sense to Rashaun. As one of the HVAF’s newest employees, Rashaun says, “I can’t picture being anywhere else. I like working here so I can help my fellow veterans. It gives me purpose, it’s personal now instead of just a job. I think everyone here has that same attitude and I like that.”
Companies from across the state entered the two-part survey process to determine the Best Places to Work in Indiana. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems, and demographics. This part of the process was worth approximately 25% of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. This part of the process was worth approximately 75% of the total evaluation. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final rankings. Best Companies Group managed the overall registration and survey process in Indiana, analyzed the data, and determined the final rankings.
For more information on the Best Places to Work in Indiana program, visit www.BestPlacestoWorkIN.com.