Navy Veteran Bianca’s 4-Year Journey from Homelessness to Homeowner!
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June 18, 2024Roger That Ep 18: A Conversation with FHCCI Executive Director Amy Nelson

A few episodes ago, we shared about our legislative efforts to try to make it illegal for landlords to deny veterans using vouchers for their housing. On that episode, we spoke with Amy Nelson, Executive Director of Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana. Amy came to Indiana in 2011 to be the first Executive Director of Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana, as it was founded the same year. On this episode, you’ll hear more about FHCCI, the current housing market trends in Indiana, and how we as a community can make housing more affordable for everyone.
Podcast questions? Topic ideas? E-mail Lauren: LVCarpenter@hvaf.org
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Amy’s biography: https://www.fhcci.org/about/staff/
About FHCCI: https://www.fhcci.org/about/
HB 1087: https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2024/bills/house/1087/details
Roger That Episode on HB 1087: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rogerthathvaf/episodes/14-We-Must-Protect-Veterans-Using-Vouchers-to-End-Homelessness-e2iar30/a-ab5nf31