Air Force veteran is getting a second chance at life!
May 8, 2024
Roger That Ep 17: Meet Indiana Representative Renee Pack
June 3, 2024Roger That Ep 16: Military Spouse Appreciation Month

May is Military Spouse Appreciation Month. According to The United States Military Spouse Chamber of Commerce, there are 12.2 million military spouses, including the spouse of a veteran or currently serving member of the U.S. Armed Forces. And 3 of the 12 million + spouses work here at HVAF! Not only do these women serve our veterans on a daily basis in their roles at HVAF, but they have taken the call with their husbands to serve our country. Meet these three amazing women on today’s episode!
Podcast questions? Topic ideas? E-mail Lauren: LVCarpenter@hvaf.org
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Information on Military Spouse Appreciation Month: https://www.defense.gov/spotlights/military-spouse-appreciation/
Roger That episode with Emmy: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rogerthathvaf/episodes/01-Welcome-to-Roger-That-e26gmqj/a-aa35glp
Roger That episode with Andrea: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rogerthathvaf/episodes/03-A-Conversation-with-HVAFs-Community-Engagement-Coordinator-Andrea-e26m6ms/a-aa3lnj6
Roger That episode with Kristin: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rogerthathvaf/episodes/04-HVAFs-VetWorks-Workforce-Development-Program-e271luf/a-aa4qdv6
More information on VetWorks: https://www.hvafofindiana.org/our-mission/employment/