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February 13, 2024Meet Team HVAF: Property Manager Temigi

Temigi joined the team at HVAF last fall, and we are so excited to have her on board! She has over 29 years of experience in property management – most of it in the affordable housing field – making her a great addition to the organization. Check out this Q&A to get to know her better and why she wants to serve Hoosier Heroes:
Q: What do you do at HVAF?
A: I am the Property Manager for HVAF’s Permanent Housing.
Q: Why did you decide to work for HVAF?
A: Accepting the position at HVAF came with apprehension. I had never worked with veterans before. I was a bit nervous but that all began to ease with every veteran and coworker interaction.
Q: How has your experience at HVAF been like so far?
A: My experience with HVAF has been very good so far. Everyone has been very welcoming and helpful.
Q: What does it mean to you to be able to serve veterans?
A: Working with veterans gives me a sense of joy, knowing that I can put a smile on some of their faces daily, does my heart good.
Q: When you are not working, where can we find you?
A: When I am not working, I spend most of my time going to school, writing books, vacationing, skating, bowling, and spending time with family.