We encourage you to explore all of the options to financially support HVAF and our veterans.

We encourage you to explore all of the options to financially support HVAF and our veterans.

An IRA rollover gift
As part of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, individuals age 70 or older may transfer up to $100,000 from a traditional or Roth IRA directly to HVAF without claiming the transfer as income

Charitable gift annuity
If you are 65 years old or above, you can earn guaranteed income for life and a charitable tax deduction now – all while helping HVAF. It is also an alternative if you are seeking to reduce your stock exposure. (Minimum deposit of $10,000 required to set up annuity.)

When you come into HVAF’s building, there’s a support network here. There’s just something that feels like home when you’re here.

– Marine Corps veteran Jennifer