12 veterans graduate from first VetWorks graduation
December 6, 2021
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December 13, 2021Air Force Veteran Sam isn’t alone anymore, thanks to HVAF

A few years ago, Air Force veteran Sam felt very alone.
“I didn’t have the ability to ask for help,” Sam said. “I had to fend for myself, and I have trouble doing that.”
Thankfully, he isn’t alone anymore. Earlier this year, Sam moved into HVAF’s Permanent Supportive Housing apartments: Veterans Villa. He says it’s really great living there.
“There is always someone to bring a smile to your face,” Sam said. “And socialize with.”
Sam also said he is so thankful for his case manager, April. He sees her as a Godsend, because of her kindness and understanding. He said he tries to say hi to her every day. One way April has helped him is by encouraging him in his hobby of creating metal art. Sam likes to collect metal scraps and make art pieces of them. April said she thinks they’re incredible, and keeps several in her office on display.
“That’s helped him – just that his art is being appreciated, is huge. To be seen, to be appreciated, to be one of us, to be really a family makes all the difference sometimes,” April said. “People coming from homelessness can feel minimized, so when they’re here we try our best to make them feel they are a human being that’s appreciated. That can elevate someone’s self-esteem exponentially.”
Sam doesn’t just take time to help himself. He helps others by cleaning the apartments, such as sweeping the floors. One sweet thing he does for his neighbors is find out what they like, and find items to buy for them at yard sales.
“He really is a sweet person, and he’s bright, and he’s creative,” April said. “And he knows he fits in here and that’s a beautiful thing.”